Theological Ebooks And Articles
Learn About The Life And Ministry of Jesus Christ
Ebooks Our ebooks can be read in any web browser - no special software needed. They take between 1-3 minutes to download and contain about 20 high quality bible teaching articles. |
What The Bible Says About Sex | Beyond Denominations | Urban Ministry | How To Become A Christian | The Market, The Kingdom And The Terrorists |
EQ (how to manage emotions) |
General articles
Do Christians Have to Obey the Commandments of Jesus Christ In the Gospels?
The traditional theological position has been that Jesus Christ is both Lord and God, that He has all authority in Heaven and on earth, and that his commandments are binding upon Christians and that we are to follow them; and that the Holy Spirit is given to all believers to remind them of these commandments and to empower them to live them out in daily life.
Christians Should Not Be Advocating for Genocide in the Middle-East
There is a certain Christian Zionist misreading of Scripture that maintains that the Jewish people must totally occupy the area “from the (Euphrates) River to the (Mediterranean) Sea”, and, in the process, physically eliminate all the Palestinians and all the descendants of Ammon, Moab, the Philistines, Edom and the Amalekites. This is now a major theological trend in need of refutation.
Disasters: Can We Explain Them?
The Asian tsunami raises questions about the justice of God and the need
for an explanation of natural disasters, this article debunks ten common
explanations and provides a more satisfactory biblical explanation.
Science Gone Too Far With Cloning?
The cloning of an adult sheep has raised questions about human cloning
which may be a possibility in the near future. This article takes a scriptural
look at the ethical problems with human cloning and concludes that it
is like the Tower of Babel - a proud human technological attempt to enter
God's domain.
The Gifts Of The Holy Spirit For Today? by Clare G. Weakley
A compelling argument for the relevance of spiritual gifts to today's
There Apostles Today?
The answer is both Yes and No. Four categories of apostles are discussed
and the conclusion is reached that one category has ceased while the others
continue in operation today.
Mary - Co-redemptrix?
A look at what the Bible says about Mary.
Miracles In The End Times
There are at least seven warnings about "false miracles" and "lying signs
and wonders" that will be a "great deception". This article digs into
the Scriptures to find what this could be like and how the Christian should
react to signs and wonders today.
Holiness of God
Takes us for a tour of this majestic attribute of God.
Spirit and The Word
Poses a few questions about the relationship between these two interacting
parts of God's creative power.
And Grace
A sermon on Law and Grace by Charles Haddon Spurgeon.
Saints and Evangelicals
Rowland Croucher examines evangelicalism in the light of the biblical
distinction between pharisees and saints.
An Easter devotional by Rowland Croucher.
Is Eternity?
Eternity is exciting, find out what it means to be "beyond time".
Out What The Bible Says About: The Church and The Government
A look at seven different biblical ways of responding to one's government.
Above all we must respond "in Christ", from the Spirit and never "in the
Evangelization Of Whole Communities
Is "group salvation" (as well as individual salvation) a biblical concept?
Some suggestions on how to evangelize our cities, nations and the world.
False Philosophy of Evolution by Random Chance and Natural Selection
The book of Colossians tells us why atheistic evolution must be considered
a "false teaching".
Its disappearing from our churches. Here's how to find it again.
Vows and Pledges
A look at Jesus' teaching on the making of oaths, vows and pledges and
how they are forbidden for Christians.
Why The Bible Never Commands Us To: Have A Good Relationship
A highly provocative article on our Christian responsibility for our relationships.
and Free Will
A devotional followed by a reader's response captures the essence of the
issue of predestination and free will.
Mind of God
Rodney Brydon examines how God thinks, how we should think, and how we
can know some things that God knows.
Why We Should Trust God's Divine Processes of Discipleship
A contrast between natural and artificial discipleship processes which highlights the need for community, the Holy Spirit and suffering in producing mature disciples.
7 Funding Structures For The Kingdom of
Looks at 7 different
ways funds are raised for Kingdom work, and also at some ways that are
clearly unethical, and concludes with how we should select the right funding
approach that will suit our ministry.PDF file.
New Creation Leadership Applied To Biblical Funding Structures In Ministry
Looks at how leadership should operate in the Kingdom of God and applies this to the area of the biblical handling of finances.
What is Truth?
Why I Believe That There Is Such a Thing As Absolute Truth.
Redemption Series - Focuses On The Person and Work of Jesus Christ
Kingdom of God And Salvation
How entering the Kingdom of God and "being saved" are the same
and what this means for our understanding of what it means to be a believer
and how we become a Christian.
Cross In Colossians
The cross is central to the Christian faith. This article looks at the
two references to the cross in Colossians. The cosmic all-reconciling
cross (1 :19,20) which is the basis for mission and the cross of Satan's
defeat (2:13-15) which gives us confidence in living.
The consequences for us of God becoming man in Christ Jesus.
Childhood and Early Years of Jesus
These verses have a lot more in them than you first may think.
The Baptism
of Jesus
When the power of God sent our Messiah forth.
and The Bible
How Jesus used the Scriptures - and why.
and The Law
Did Jesus abolish the Law?
John 1 - 11, The Savior is Revealed
A careful exposition of the first eleven chapters of John's gospel.
Introduction To The Sermon
On The Mount
Pulls together some of the major themes in Jesus' remarkable sermon.
Poor In Spirit
Tackles the mysterious first beatitude. "Blessed are the poor in spirit
for theirs is the Kingdom of God".
of the Aching Heart
The second beatitude "Blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted."
Good fruit flows from grieving with God
Hungering and Thirsting
For Righteousness
Looks at Jesus saying "Blessed are those that hunger and thirst after
righteousness for they shall be filled".
Blessed Are The Merciful
Looks at Jesus saying "Blessed are the merciful for they shall receive
Pure In Heart
Looks at Jesus saying "Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see
Are The Peacemakers
Looks at Jesus saying "Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called
sons of God".
Are The Persecuted
Looks at Jesus saying "Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness'
You Are The Salt Of The
Looks at Jesus saying "You Are The Salt of The Earth" and its implications
for daily witness and family life.
Are The Light Of The World
Looks at Jesus saying "You Are The Light Of The World".
Healing Ministry of Jesus
What the Bible says about how and why Jesus healed people. Asks "how did
Jesus view sickness?". Powerful.
Is "The Inner Man"? And What Is He Like? (Part One)
Christ in us the hope of glory. A long article by John Edmiston, split
into two parts. Part One establishes what it means to be born of God and
dead to sin.
Is "The Inner Man"? And What Is He Like? (Part Two)
Part Two of the above article looks at what helps and hinders the maturing
of Christ in us. (Please read Part One first!)
A comprehensive look at spiritual warfare.
Dead Men Walking
Jesus is the resurrection and the life. By Peter Currie