Harvestime Modules in Swahili

These are the 23
modules from the Harvestime International Network that have been
translated into Swahili. They are Biblically based training in
evangelism and church-planting. The modules are free to use and to
for Christian ministry purposes however they may not be sold in any
They are in two formats, PDF and EPUB. PDF is for printing out or reading on a computer. EPUB is for reading on a phone or on an e-reader.
The material is identical in either format.
The Harvestime International Network is a ministry partner of Cybermissions.
If you have any questions you may contact us at: harvestimeinstitute@protonmail.com
Phone/Fax: +1 310 844 6948 P.O. Box 40 Rhoadesville, Virginia 22542
They are in two formats, PDF and EPUB. PDF is for printing out or reading on a computer. EPUB is for reading on a phone or on an e-reader.
The material is identical in either format.
The Harvestime International Network is a ministry partner of Cybermissions.
If you have any questions you may contact us at: harvestimeinstitute@protonmail.com
Phone/Fax: +1 310 844 6948 P.O. Box 40 Rhoadesville, Virginia 22542
Orientation- Mwongozo wa mwelekeo | EPUB | |
Spiritual Harvest | EPUB | |
Foundations Of Faith | EPUB | |
Kingdom Living | EPUB | |
Spiritual Warfare Mikakati ya Kiroho ya Vita | EPUB | |
Holy Spirit- Roho Mtakatifu | EPUB | |
Knowing God's Voice- Kuijua Sauti ya Mungu | EPUB | |
Creative Bible Study- Mafunzo ya Ubunifu Ya Bibilia | EPUB | |
OT Survey- Utafiti wa Msingi wa Biblia | EPUB | |
NT Survey- Utafiti wa Msingi wa Biblia | EPUB | |
Developing a Biblical World View -Kukuza Mtazamo wa Ulimwengu wa Kibiblia | EPUB | |
Teaching Tactics -Mbinu za Kufundisha | EPUB | |
Multiplication - Kuzidisha | EPUB | |
Power Principles- Kanuni za Nguvu | EPUB | |
Biblical Management Principles - Kanuni za Kibiblia za Usimamizi | EPUB | |
Management by Objectives- Usimamizi kwa Malengo | EPUB | |
Mobilization- Uhamasishaji | EPUB | |
Leaven-like Evangelism- uinjilisti kama chachu | EPUB | |
Women- Wanawake | EPUB | |
Battle for the Body- Vita juu ya Mwili | EPUB | |
Jail and Prison Ministry - Huduma ya Jela na Magereza | EPUB | |
Intercessory Prayer- Maombezi | EPUB |