• johned@aibi.ph

Strings For Your Harp - The Bible

Excerpts taken from "Heart Breathings" by Leonard Ravenhill, used by per mission.

Part 1. The Beginning

The Bible

The Bible is never wrong! God does not have to retract, revise, repair, or recall one word He has ever spoken. Men give advice, God gives guidance. We have substituted "the Bible says" for what the Bible does.

The only people who want to change the Gospel are those who are unchanged by it. If men would read their Bibles more, They would need to read us writers less.

The power, the prayer, the pattern, and the progress of the New Testament Church make electrifying reading!

The Bible - It cannot be solved or dissolved by human power. It was not put together by the human mind and cannot be solved by it. It was not put together by human hands and cannot be destroyed by them.

Based on the Ten Commandments, any nation can progress. Without those commandments, no nation can retain its soul.
Biblical prophecy is history written before- hand.

Ponder what the "Heroes of Faith" did without a Bible! (Heb. 11). Consider how little we do having the full Revelation of Divine Truth.

Interpreters of the book of "The Acts of the Apostles" seem to be intimidated by two possibilities:

1. The fear of being clubbed by criticism, or

2. The fear of being ostracized for fanaticism.

The Bible is not just a series of puzzles to be deciphered, it is a chain of commandments to be obeyed. Five minutes of Divine revelation might be more illuminating than five years of Bible school instruction.

We have a lovely, lively, liberating Gospel!

Excerpts taken from "Heart Breathings" by Leonard Ravenhill. Used by permission. Copyright (c) 1995 by Harvey & Tait Publications.

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